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How to become part of the solution

We, the People of the World, are being called to take massive regenerative action at this time in history.

I believe that if we can destroy the Earth, we should reverse the damage.

Since this quarantine started, I've been witnessing many people losing their hope, experiencing sadness, anxiety, depression, anger, or getting attached to what it was (and in my perspective, it won't come back). Sometimes I too, find myself wondering what's next and which steps to take as if trying to visualize the horizon while this challenging situation looks quite blurry ahead. The reality now can be scary but is also a catalyst for innovation and evolution.

What can we do to become part of a sustainable solution?

1. We can plant and save trees

Plant trees, plant medicinal plants, plant your food, or just plant flowers to witness the abundance inherent to Nature. Do you find yourself in a place where you cannot plant? Then, please support those who are dedicating their lives to it.

If we dedicate ourselves to restore the mangroves in Florida, the chances are that hurricanes will be less likely to hit the lands. If burnt forests in California get replanted, the chances are that we will see smaller fires in the future years, mainly if we chose to plant trees that offer a natural barrier to wind. Instead of devastating and setting Amazonia on fire, we should focus on allowing intelligent syntropic regenerative reforestation, contributing to real opportunities for our kids, and thriving future generations. Our actual model is outdated and heads us towards self-destruction.

Fighting for trees preservation is also as important as growing new ones, and maybe more effective! There is great complexity in planting a forest. It is the knowledge that not many people hold. It requires extensive studies and also a great hands-on experience. To learn more about soil regeneration, check out Kiss the Ground (United States) and the excellent work of Preta-Terra (Brazil). These initiatives are some of those dedicated to ecological healing and transformative justice.

To understand how, by planting a forest through a syntropic model, we can restore balance to the environment; I recommend watching the video below featuring Ernst Gotsch demonstrating what is possible when intention, knowledge, and actions are aligned. Ernst stands that his work consists of "planting water" as moisture is restored to the surface when soil and vegetation are balanced, allowing the land to better cope with both drought and flooding.

2. We can grow food in Urban Spaces

Urban spaces also offer opportunities to plant and cultivate food. Great examples are Chris Hildreth founder of Topsoil and Curtis Stone at Urban Farmer (both from Canada). Topsoil focuses on transforming underutilized urban spaces to provide local restaurants with fresh food, while Curtis Stone teaches his audience how to grow food on small plots of land and make a living from it.

3. We can care for our water

Caring and taking action to clean our rivers and oceans to create a more sustainable future starts on your shopping cart. Don't buy plastic. It is very difficult not to, but for many things we buy there are some alternatives out there, and the more we demand for these solutions, the more solutions will be available in the market. Check out the work of 4Oceans

4. We can reduce and better manage our waste

Becoming aware of the waste we produce allows us to intentionally reverse it. We are living in a society where we use to take a lot for granted, and therefore we waste a lot of its resources.

Here is an insightful example on how to reduce waste.

Becoming part of the solution

The solution to planetary wellness is in our hands, collectively. It should not depend on governments or companies alone but is the responsibility of each of us. After all, we are the ones consuming and making choices that directly or indirectly impact our environment. There is a lot we can do:

  • Consume less. Period! Refuse of you don't need

  • Reduce what you do need and the amount of waste. It is possible! (

  • Avoid plastics at all costs

  • Participate in regenerative actions around the world

  • Become aware of how daily choices impact wellness and the environment.

  • Cultivate freedom in your relationship to food and food-like substances (Eat less!)

  • Meditate

  • Plant and compost. Yes, compost! Composting is a great way to reconnect with Nature and fully understand it's cycles. I consider it to be one of the greater reminders of our connection to the whole.


At Hridayam, we offer a variety of tools for stress management, self-awareness, and education. We welcome our community to practice meditation, yoga Nidra, and bodywork with us, also providing access to curated information, wellness coaching programs, and an apothecary with selected products to support your wellness.

Carol Jamault is a Certified Health & Life Coach, Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT), and Registered Yoga Instructor (RYT-200) with a solid background in design and branding. She supports her clients in stress management and self-care through an integrative approach to wellness by providing bodywork services, consultations, and curated information and products to restore balance, improve individual wellness, and boost vitality. Carol has been studying alternative healing, ethnobotany, circadian medicine, and Ayurveda since 2001. She is the founder of Hridayam Bodywork & Apothecary. Click here to schedule classes, consultations & bodywork.

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